The Benefits of a Prenup: Protecting Your Assets and Your Future

The Benefits of a Prenup: Protecting Your Assets and Your Future

Introduction In the realm of family law, premarital agreements, commonly known as prenups, have become increasingly popular over the years. A prenup is a legally binding contract entered into by individuals before they get married or enter into a civil partnership. While some may view prenups as a pessimistic approach to marriage, they offer a…


Maintaining Shared Parenting Post Separation

Shared parenting, characterized by a parenting arrangement where neither party has the child or children for less than 40% of the time, is a vital aspect of post-separation childcare. When both parents have been significantly involved in the upbringing and care of their child(ren) before separation, but that involvement changes following separation, the parent experiencing…


Challenging a Will for Maintenance and Support

The concept of maintenance and support under the Wills and Succession Act, SA 2010, c W-12.2 provides protections for family members of a deceased person in situations where they have not inherited enough to meet their needs. In such instances, the family member whose needs remain unfulfilled posses the option to seek a Court Order for the…

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